SEO Plans For New Websites

The website's url path has lots of SEO Power; It is the first thing web crawlers read to clue them into what the page content is about. Web bots are like elephants that never forget as they can be programmed this way. When launching new websites have t's crossed + i's dotted. Have it right the first time.

Planing for SEO Success means preparing the website to best serve the web bots while fullfilling the surfing needs of the public. SEO Plans can be custom-tailored for either a brand new website or for an existing website.

SEO Plans For Existing Websites

Crafting a SEO Plan for a current website can take up tp three hours or more depending on the number of web pages. The website and all its parts are combed and recorded using a S.W.O.T Analysis approach (SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).

Call me: Mark Mueller in Toronto Canada: 416 769-7700

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