Something miraculous happened when I got to serve my Mom in her palliative care. In appreciation of the Miracle that was granted my focus is to build a business that is rooted in the do unto others as you would have them do unto oneself mindset. I wanted so much to give thanks by building a Monument to Christ / a Monument to Love, not of bricks and mortar, but in the hearts and minds of my fellow citizenry.


Company Of One And A Team Of Many

Serving the schools, child care market and people with Special needs I saw that what they needed was hunters and gatherers of resources.

After 9 . 11 . 2001, I transitioned from a very well-paying professional sales career with Canadian Manufacturers that are industry leaders to being self-employed (president of one and a Team of many). As a Marketing Graduate of Ryerson University I knew with the sales catalogue becoming less important an Online Web Presence was needed.

I also realised that it is much easier to ask for another than for oneself plus that the best way to get close to the Customer is to Volunteer. By the Grace of God I spotted that the friendlyville domain name was available so I secured the rights and made this my online brand with the marketing catch phrase: All roads lead to friendlyville: Serving Child Care and serving the Community: I secured the rights to over 150 one page websites and learned how to be number one in page rankings for the domain names' search terms. Though many of the sites are no longer I did have a run with them for about eight years and in retrospect they helped me to understand SEO as I know it today. I would for e.g. on Fine Car Sales dot Com present relevant info and include the positive propaganda: When you spend 50 grand on a fine car why not only spend 45k and give five thousand dollars to your local child care and or school.


Mark`s Testimonial for CBR Products

LEED-Compliant Coatings, Stains And Finishes

Call Toll Free: Canada + USA

Local Vancouver + International

Mark`s Testimonial for

When I first contacted AFM Safecoat to help promote them, since my Friend and Mentor had thoroughly tested the building products and deemed them the best regarding their individual chemical sensitivity concern, they directed me to contact CBR Products who was, at that time, the Master Distributor for Canada. I owe much of my Non Toxic Leadership to CBR Products. Amazing Canadian Company to work with.
You made me look like a star  for the bit of time I did drop-shipments + you honoured me in my ability to serve my Mentors and Friends, Thank you amd thank you for your tremendous past and continued support. Working SEO with you is like tinkering with the engine of a supercar
Please join

Mark`s Testimonial for

How sweet it was that my non toxic thinking crusade should evolve from learning and understanding about coatings to learn and understand about the most invisible toxin: Microwave Radiation.. Becoming indirectly involved with this not for profit organisation.

Striving to serve LOVE, the volunteering and serving the children with special needs was, I believe why I had great fortune to meet / befriend JP, who was instrumental about me cluing into the NON TOXIC THINKING. At first I participated in drop-shipments, fielding calls from around North America and internationally. One thing about representing the Rolls-Royce of building products is that in large part, because it is a niche product (no mass production) it is more expensive to make. Owing to that the over-riding mission was to detoxify the living environments everywhere - whenever the chance - and since it was best to finalise / finalize the sale, I knew I had to transition my role to directing the callers to the best place to buy the product (I know the distribution chain for AFM Safecoat), being there to field any questions and encourage them to engage in our positive propaganda crusades: e.g. Non Toxic, Wifi Out Of Schools, etc.). 



North America`s Leading EMR Mitigation Specialist.SLT gave us the opportunity to demonstrate the the web development process I figured out was indeed effective: Stellar orgtanic page rankings. were achieved and are solidly maintaining the success status
A High Park Condo photo essay will be presented soon.
We are pleased to recommend these amazing businesses

My first big break re. becoming a web consultant and SEO Expert was when SLT  / Safe Living Technologies commissioned me  to oversee and do the work re. Meta tags, Image tags. etc. on their launch of  As one can see the website offers extensive information and is definitely the EMF Products Superstore.

What was most beautiful for myself, apart from getting to prove my SEO skills and the monies earned was that once the website was built, published and the kinks ironed out, SLT hired a full-time employee ... and afterall our mission is in large part to help create good paying jobs.

The learning experienced on the SLT project further strengthened the resolve to dedicate my profession as a web consultant. With a strong web presence we calculated the phrase highlighted below.

The Public must demand  healthy homes and living environments: We have the non toxic materials AND we have the Technology!

Though I have no  involvement in - other  than being a Member (it's FREE to join)  this is one not-for-profit-organisation I love to promote on the one-page websites: They serve Canadians unselfishly in a most important health concerning matter.

For myself I was pumped talking up the wifi out of the schools campaign and now C4STorg has entrenched itself as a speaker for the people - including those who suffer with ehs (electro-hypersensitivity).

Having proven that the SEO process I was impementing was effective I next set my sights on participating in the real estate market.  The passion was to add value in the big ticket itemi ndustry. My focus was to concentrate on serving success in terms of being number one for desired search terms.

It was when a Friend who became licensed to sell real estate in Ontario asked me to make her the Online Real Estate Princess (as in rule the search results) that got me pumped to pursue a web presence for real estate transactions. I had experience with my 150 domains so I went shopping  for domains with a Toronto Real Estate theme. (e.g. neighbourhood + type of real estate + for sale / sales if needed + the com or whatever was available). While the one page websites are no longer available I did secure the rights to and built 200 one-page sites that celebrated the real estate in opportunities. Fabulous link-power machine!

My first foray into real estate websites was on helping my Butler On Call Client develop a web presence for their Lawrence Park Home For Sale in Midtown Toronto Ontario Canada.

This success lined me up perfectly to develop the web presence for a High Park Toronto Condo For Sale (Sold for a record price)

A Lawrence Park House photo essay will be presented soon.

I recall the perseverance I went through to strive to find a real estate agent to help promote. Selling my SEO process was way ahead of what everyone wanted to think about and yet several years of maintaing the sites I was able to represent several licensed real estate agents in Ontario plus one in Victoria British Columbia. 

With these successes I was assured that what I was offering did indeed add value and have since amassed a portfolio of online successes that I can use to both demonstrate how I do what I do AND provide prospective Clients with references.

Get the Mark Mueller Sales & Marketing Difference.
Call Mark: 416 769-7700